Expert PPC Management Services

Get more conversions at a lower cost to maximize your return on ad spend.

For searches with high commercial intent Google Ads get 65% of all clicks*

 When people are searching for what you sell, they search online, and most of the time, they’re clicking on ads. If you’re not using paid ads you’re missing out on a huge percentage of your prospects, and also missing the opportunity to put your business back in front of costumers that may have not converted in the past.

Online Advertising Campaigns That Attract and Convert

Each pay-per-click management campaign is built based on years of research and analysis. From campaign type to keywords and audiences, everything is structured for maximum results

PPC Drives Highly Targeted Traffic

PPC visitors are 50% more likely to purchase something than organic visitors. Bring your website to the forefront of visibility and increase conversions.

PPC Audit

Detailed analysis of your existing campaigns, ads and landing pages. Discover what’s working and what is just wasting your ad budget.

Campaign Strategy

Planning the advertising channels and ad types that will achieve the campaign objectives and  generate the highest return on ad spend.

Ad Creative

Headlines, ad copy, images, banners and videos that tell your story and compell people to click and convert.

A/B Testing

Constantly testing different variations in the ads and campaigns to improve conversion rates and improve CPA (Cost per Acquisition).

Ad Management

Ad platforms are built to spend your money and without proper management results will deteriorate overtime resulting in wasted ad spend. By using the data learned through testing we improve results over time.


Detailed reporting including clicks, click through rates, conversions, conversion rates, cost per conversion and more help you keep a close eye on performance and results.

Hire a PPC Company with Experience

The average CPA (Cost per Action) for B2B, Real Estate and Technology and Real Estate is > $100. You need an experienced ad manager to optimize your campaigns and maximize your ROI.

Comprehensive PPC Services

It’s dangerous to let an advertising campaign run without management, but that’s the approach many business owners want to take. In an effort to save money, they focus on cost rather than value and end up wasting money. Get professional PPC Management services so you can realize a positive return on your investment and unlock to power of paid ads.

Retargeting campaigns convert visitors who leave your site

Not everyone will convert the first time, but more people will eventually convert if you follow up using retargeting ads.

People often need to be exposed to a message many times before it finally is recognized and acted upon. Retargeting and Remarketing campaigns help you stay in front of your prospects with the right amount of frequency for increased conversions and lower your costs per lead.

"Awesome Digital Marketing does our web site, it looks great, it brings in money, even when I'm sleeping, which is my favorite part!

Michael Scanlon

Founder, 2020 Growth Conferences